Sunday, June 7, 2009

Arts: Majalah APO?

hari ni gua nak citer pasal majalah lawak tempatan yang lama jugak la gua follow. kalau tak silap, sejak awal tahun 2000. huish. lama gak tu. rasanya majalah ni pun mula2 kuar sekitar tahun 2000 la. Majalah yang dimaksudkan ialah majalah APO?. Maskot dia dulu sekumpulan lanun. Asal nama APO ni pun dapat dari singkatan "All Pirates Organisation". Dulu ada siri kartun panjang yang dilukis oleh kartunis Petai yang mengisahkan tentang lanun2 ni.. Sekarang ni, dah tambah sorang maskot lagi, sorang apek nama Lim Tat. Mula2 tengok kemunculan dia, rasa mcm tak relevan pun ada. tapi lama2, rasa lawak jugak Lim Tat ni. heh! Okey, sampai di sini sahaja mukaddimah tentang majalah APO? Aku malas nak cerita panjang2 sgt 'in one shot'. nanti la aku citer lagi kenapa aku suka baca majalah ni. (Gambar diambil dari

today, I'm gonna tell ya about one humor mag, a local (Malaysian) mag named "APO?". Been reading this mag since the year 2000. I think it was around that year when the mag made their debut. "APO?" got its name from a group of fictional pirates who happens to be the mag's mascot, named "All Pirates Organization". not sure why they put a question mark to their name, but I guess it's bcoz "APO" is also a Negri Sembilan dialect pronunciation of the standard Malay word "APA" which in English means "what". Today, the mag features an extra mascot in the form of a late-middle-aged Chinese guy named Lim Tat, also affectionately known as Uncle Lim Tat. At first, I thought this guy's presence is irrelevant to the mag, but then his antics changed my mind about him. hoho. hmmm.. I guess that's it for today. i'll tell ya more about this mag in the future, k. (Picture retrieved from

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